The Empire in Decline


Mar 21, 2025 - American Nukes in Ukraine

Last year I was shocked to hear then President Joe Biden talking about American nuclear missiles in Ukraine. He said Putin objected to them as he explained they had been removed. This is a huge story that our major media ignored. I included that clip in my latest video.

Mar 20, 2025 - Mobile Robots

I never worried about the use of robots for policing or combat. But look at this short video from China about a robot on the move. Very impressive, and scary.

Mar 13, 2025 - Trump Clown Show in Ukraine

Trump is being advised by closet warmongers or idiots. He resumed supplies after Ukraine agreed to a 30-day ceasefire:

“Now we have to go to Russia and hopefully President Putin will agree to that, and we can get this show on the road,” President Donald Trump told reporters, adding that his White House team plans to discuss the deal with Russian counterparts.

This is no concession by Ukraine! Zelensky then announced Ukraine would never make concessions. Its army is in retreat and would love a 30 day ceasefire to build defenses and move supplies to the front. Russia will not even talk about this except to say Nyet!.

Mar 6, 2025 - Best Documentary Channel

I am really impressed by the ENDEVR documentary channel on Youtube. It is Berlin based and obviously not corporate funded or USAID funded because it really exposes things. 

Feb 27, 2025 - Jeffery Sachs Schools the EU

Bold and brilliant Professor Jeffery Sachs tells the EU Parliament the truth to their face.

Feb 21, 2025 - DOGE

Two great videos about DOGE to watch. A short one with Mike Benz and a longer one about Trump, MAGA, and DOGE with Steven Bannon.

Feb 20, 2025 - Come Back to Work!

Watch this short clip of JP Morgan Chase head Jamie Dimon chewing some ass. He tells "Zoomers" that working from home doesn't work.

Feb 13, 2025 - Mass Corruption

Via "Wall Street Apes" on Twitter

Put the pieces together - Elon Musk’s DOGE found at the US Treasury $50 billion a year is going to people that have no known social security number 

JJ Carrell confirmed illegals are put on social security with max benefit


This corruption runs so deep they are using corrupt Federal Judges to try to stop the President's office from looking at the books of federal agencies that he is in charge of as Jimmy Dore explains in this short video.

Feb 7, 2025 - USAID doesn't mean US Aid

I knew that USAID worked alongside our CIA but had no idea how large it has become, watch this short video. It is also being used to launder money to fund "woke" American NGOs in the USA. 

Feb 6, 2025 - Youtubing

My Youtube channel grows slowly with no serious issues.   

My most recent:

Piers Morgan Propaganda about Ukraine - Part 24 of the Anglo-American War on Russia

Netanyahu Ordered the 2003 Invasion of Iraq

Mussolini Was Not a Dictator

American Enforcement Actions in NATO - Part 25 of The Anglo-American War on Russia

Jan 30, 2025 - What Trump Should Offer Putin

Here’s the deal to end the war.

1. The USA will openly state that Ukraine will never join NATO and sign that in an agreement.

2. The USA will close down its new missile bases in Poland and Romania and remove its new mobile missile systems from Europe within 90 days as the INF treaty returns.

3. The USA will remove all US military personnel and civilian contractors from Ukraine within 30 days.

4. The USA will immediately halt all military aid to Ukraine and no longer provide intelligence support.

5. The USA will support snap elections in Ukraine and support whatever deal Ukraine and Russia agree upon, then all American sanctions will end.

Done deal! Putin will accept this in 24 hours. The USA loses nothing and saves billions of dollars a year.

Jan 23, 2025 - Great Videos

1. The American media has not reported on the EU/NATO coup in Romania. Its citizens elected a President who promised to end support for the Ukraine war. The election was declared invalid by its high court citing unproven allegations of Russian influence.

2. The great Ron Unz appears in a very short video explaining the problems in the USA.

3. Economist Richard Wolff explains why the US economy is stagnate and warns that it will soon become much worse.

Jan 16, 2025 - California Water

As this blog has often mentioned, there is plenty of water in southern California. Most of the rainwater flows into the ocean because they haven't built a major dam in decades, which can provide clean hydro energy too!. Here is video of the Los Angeles river overflowing during heavy rains just last year. All that water went straight into the Pacific ocean.

Jan 2, 2025 - Can Trump Save the USA?

Not this year! The good news is that he will never run for office again so doesn't give a damn about his donors. The bad news is that nearly everyone in Congress is quietly opposed to his efforts to change things. There will have to a major economic or military calamity where much of our corrupt Congress is replaced, or Trump declaring massive executive orders (aka martial law) to fix problems.





                                                  Carlton Meyer

2024 Blog - The Empire's Rebellion

2023 Blog - The Empire Fails

2022 Blog - The Empire Struggles

2021 Blog - The Empire Under Attack

2020 Blog - The Empire Nova

2019 Blog - The Empire Retreats

2018 Blog - The Empire's Suez Crisis

2017 Blog - Emperor of the Empire

2016 Blog - Defending the Empire

2015 Blog - Enemies of the Empire

2014 Blog - The Empire in Decline

2013 Blog - The Yellow Man's Burden