Transforming the US Army

      The US Army remains frozen in the Cold War.  It needs to become a smaller, strategically mobile force which relies on reserve forces if World War III ever appears.  Funding is not a problem since billions of dollars are wasted each year to maintain a huge infrastructure of overseas bases.  The Army bureaucracy refuses to change and distracts political leaders with vague concepts for a future force to preserve the status quo.  Here are ten simple ideas to field a modern, mobile fighting force within four years using proven technology.  This is not radical change, but can make the regular US Army three times more effective with no budget increase.

The Tank is Dead - a big cannon is too limited

Save our Army from Generals - cut non-combat slots

Withdraw from DMZ Bases - as ordered

Cut Army Fat in Europe - close USAREUR and Wiesbaden

Close the Rest of USAG Stuttgart - consolidate bases in Germany

Close Sembach - Again! - the Army's newest base 

Don't Save Baumholder - close it now

Close USAG Schinnen ASAP - it has no military purpose

Close Kelley Barracks - and Africom

Cut Army Fat in Korea - 8th Army and Daegu

Vacate Two Army Bases in Germany - as planned

Close USAG Garmisch - a hidden resort

Why Does Camp Bondsteel Still Exist? - an outpost in Kosovo

The Forgotten Base at Soto Cano - hidden in Honduras

Landing Ship Tank - LSTs are vital power projection weapons

Rotational Readiness - organizing combat units for war

Fewer Lieutenants - more experience is needed at the company level

EFOG-M - video guided missiles will rule the battlefield

The Calamity of Urban Warfare - a major urban warfare training site is needed

Hawkeye - ground troops need communications help from the air

Reserve Urban Infantry - National Guard divisions must change

M1A3 Tank - simple upgrades for the M1A1

Cut Surplus Army Units - cut the fat to fill manpower shortages

Ground Hellfires - the ultimate light anti-tank system

Soldiers Need Greyhound Aircraft - to fly from aircraft carriers

Close Torii Station - a U.S. Army base on Okinawa?
