Aircraft are a major threat to submarines because they have no air defense. Long-range anti-submarine patrol planes and helicopters can loiter around dropping sonar buoys as though casually fishing, while sophisticated billion-dollar submarines hide like fish awaiting death from above. Since modern submarines can fire cruise missiles while underwater, it is amazing that Sub-Surface-to-Air Missiles (SUBSAMs) have not been developed, although rumors persist that they secretly exist. The idea was tested in the 1980's using SEACAT missiles. The Soviets also tested the idea: Soviet SUBSAM. These tests failed because they used infrared seeking anti-aircraft missiles, which have a very limited ability to find targets. This is why they are usually aimed by the shooter and "locked-on" to a heat source prior to launch.
A submarine detected by aircraft is extremely vulnerable, but a roaming SUBSAM should keep aircraft away for up to an hour as it flies an 8-track pattern over the area until its fuel is depleted. Meanwhile, the submarine has plenty of time to escape. On the other hand, inexperienced or aggressive anti-submarine pilots may continue their hunt after they see the cruise missile fly away, and face death a few minutes later as the SUBSAM returns during its pre-programmed search pattern. SUBSAMs may also be used offensively against airbases. A Tomahawk missile striking an airbase may damage aircraft on the ground with luck. However, a SUBSAM flying a pattern over a busy airbase may find something to shoot down. They may also be fired at distant aircraft carriers while attacking a fleet with anti-ship missiles to down aircraft and distract fighter pilots as they try to shoot-down the incoming anti-ship missiles. SUBSAMs do not require new technology, just the combination of two proven missiles. ©2015 www.G2mil.com |