New Emperor of the Empire |
_____________________________________________________ Dec 31, 2017 - Tucker Carlson A rare populist who appears on corporate media is Tucker Carlson. He is brilliant, witty, and boldly supports American workers, as this great show demonstrates. The one-worlders were thrilled when nationalist Bill O'Reily was dumped for the now common "sexual harasser" claim. He was often arrogant and uncompassionate, but his replacement is much better, and more attractive too! Dec 30, 2017 - Iran Must Be Destroyed! Many readers are familiar with the decades old Yinon Plan to overthrow and fragment Muslim nations to allow Israel’s continued expansion into lands granted them by an ancient book. Some readers may have read "Clean Break", a proposal by prominent Jewish-American neocons in 1996 that recommended: "Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right." Most readers have seen the decade old video of retired US Army General Wesley Clark explain the plan to conquer seven Muslim nations in five years. Nevertheless, those who say the USA is fighting for Israel are dismissed as anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists, until now. This week Michael Makovsky, President and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), and a former Pentagon official wrote: “Maintaining Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen in their existing forms is unnatural and serves Iran’s interests. There is nothing sacred about these countries’ borders, which seem to have been drawn by a drunk and blindfolded mapmaker. Indeed, in totally disregarding these borders, ISIS and Iran both have already demonstrated the anachronism and irrelevance of the borders. Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen are not nation-states as Americans understand them, but rather post-World War I artificial constructs, mostly created out of the ashes of the Ottoman Empire in a colossally failed experiment by international leaders. …President Trump should take the offensive to Iran. The current political structure of the Middle East serves Iran’s interests, and it’s time to upend it.” These are the states not yet subdued by American troops per General Clark. The “Yinon conspiracy” is now confirmed. American patriots are proven correct, but it doesn’t matter. Trump and his Generals will attack Iran. American troops are surging to surround Iran now! Dec 29, 2017 - The Mythical North Korean Threat Over the past decade, I wrote about how Army Generals justify their wartime budget by exaggerating the North Korean threat, ignoring that South Korea has twice the population, 50 times the economic power, and a modern military that is roughly five times stronger than the decrepit North Korean Army. In addition, South Korea has fortified and mined its mountainous border region along the DMZ (pictured) so no vehicles can pass.
This information is available on the net, yet one finds laughable articles like this one that provide a good example of Pentagon "mythical threat" propaganda published as "news." Most of the information is outright false and absurd. North Korea cannot conduct a major bridge crossing over the big Han River and protect that bridge from aerial attack so that hundreds of trucks can cross daily to support hundreds of thousands of North Korean troops advancing southward. Even if North Korean infantry and engineers manage to clear a supply road, airpower will shoot up any truck or tank on that road, so there is no way a convoy of 100 trucks with bridging equipment and personnel can drive 50 miles to the Han River and spend a week building a bridge without getting smashed by bombs and missiles! And there are no 200,000 North Korean "Special Forces" who can leap tall buildings, dodge all bullets, and suffer no pain. All North Korean soldiers have less training and older equipment than any basic South Korean reservist! Here are key points ignored by our corporate media: 1. The US military can deliver a massive aerial blow, but requires weeks to get the bomb machine rolling. In recent conflicts the USA had months to prepare a “shock and awe” choosing the time to start. This can’t be done in secret given all the movements required. Keep in mind the USA lost some 40 aircraft in the first attack against Iraq, so expect at least a dozen American aircraft lost with POW pilots on world TV. 2. The US Army and Marines will be not be players and won’t matter. Our Army only has 8000 combat troops in Korea and the Marines 4000 in Japan. The rest are headquarters, rear support, and base personnel. Half of these troops will be unavailable as they see to it their families are evacuated. The rest will be guarding bases from angry South Korean protestors sure to blame the USA for the mess. The Army loves to brag that it can deploy 5000 paratroopers in a few days, but a really a few weeks since aircraft will be used for more important missions, like evacuating families. Why even bother when 5,000,000 trained South Koreans are there ready to fight. 3. North Korea can unleash deadly artillery and it will be a couple weeks before it gets beat down. The North Koreans may try foolish World War I human wave assaults and gain perhaps a couple of miles, but they can’t move artillery and supplies forward and will end up starving and out of ammo. 4. The South Koreans will be reluctant to charge across the DMZ and lose thousands of men, the USA no longer has the ability to conduct major amphibious landings, and it would take a year to assemble the ships and personnel to try anyway. 5. China will not allow an American allied South Korea to take over North Korea, which will be suffering from mass famine. South Korea has no interest in losing 100,000 soldiers clearing every North Korean town and city from fanatical defenders. If US Army Generals demand to play, half of America’s volunteer force will unvolunteer and desert, refuse to deploy, or become ill. 6. All this is a ruse to cover the crazy 10% boost in Pentagon spending that Trump just signed. This was proven when Senators asked why we don’t remove the 20,000 military dependents from South Korea if war is inevitable. No one wants war and this problem would go away if not for crazed US Army Generals playing budget and power games. 7. If war breaks out by accident, there will be bombing and shelling with a few thousand killed. The USA Air Gods will run out of munitions in three weeks and not get more for months. All sides will seek a quick peaceful resolution as trade business must resume. The crazies in the Pentagon will demand World War III, but taxpayers don’t give a damn about Korea and the Chinese and Russians will threaten to dump dollars, so peace will prevail. 8. The easy way to stop North Korea from threatening to attack the USA, is for the USA to stop threatening to attack North Korea. Stop the warmonger speeches and stop all US military activity north of Seoul. This is all the North Koreans have demanded after seeing the USA “free” Iraq and Libya. Dec 27, 2017 - The War on Terror is Fake This video is a few years old, but provides an excellent explanation of Anglo-American perpetual war. Dec 26, 2017 - California Fleeing I left California a decade ago because its decline was obvious. Foreign billionaires arrived and further corrupted the politicians in Sacramento so they just don't give a damn about working Americans. The biggest problem is housing. Over 70% of citizens cannot afford to buy a home because the state encourages foreign immigration and discourages new home building. This has also caused rents to skyrocket. Families overcrowd apartments while a single guy making $15 an hour can't even afford an old studio apartment. As a result, many live in cars or end up on the street. Watch this short video of a guy driving around downtown Los Angeles. You never see this on television and the news rarely covers this disaster, even though anyone who drives around town sees this depressing situation. No sane person living in Los Angeles for the past three decades thinks mass immigration has helped that city. Removing at least a million illegal aliens from Los Angeles would be of great help to the poor, but corporate America likes desperate workers, high rents, and low wages so lawmakers oppose this practical idea. There is a simple step the state government can take to lower home prices. Limit single family home ownership to individuals who are US citizens or resident aliens, and no more than four homes per person. No more corporations owning hundreds of homes or foreigners buying several as investments. This could be phased in to prevent market turmoil. It would apply only to new purchases, while properties currently owned by these distant landlords must be sold 20 years after they were purchased. This would be supported by 90% of Californians. American homes for American workers is a simple idea only opposed by the greedy, but they control the media and the state legislature so this simple solution will be ignored. If proposed by grass root organizations, it will be dismissed as a racist, xenophobic idea to ensure millions of spineless "progressives" and "liberals" denounce it. Dec 24, 2017 - UFOs Confirmed For unknown reasons, the US Government released hard evidence of a 2004 UFO encounter, to include video. This is strange since the Feds have always dismissed UFO reports as fantasy. Something odd is going on. Dec 23, 2017 - Treason! Most Americans do not know that our Congress is openly investigating treason at the FBI. No one has used the word treason yet, but watch this short video of a recent Congressional hearing and decide for yourself. Unfortunately, our corporate media is mostly ignoring this story. Dec 18, 2017 - Another JFK Coup Fact Revealed Congress created the five-member Assassination Records Review Board in 1992 as part of a law requiring the release of all Kennedy assassination documents within 25 years. The law authorized the president in office in 2017 to block releases if he deems it would harm US intelligence, law enforcement, military, or diplomatic interests. President Trump had no plans to block anything and the Deep State threw a fit and refused to obey the law. To avoid a confrontation, Trump allowed a few more months to "review" most files. Just under a third of the materials were released on December 15th, an estimated 85,000 pages worth, which had long been categorized as irrelevant to the JFK assassination. Among these "irrelevant" documents is a July 1978 memo to an attorney on the staff of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. It stated that the FBI was unable to locate the original fingerprints lifted from the rifle found at the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Dallas Police turned those over a few days after the assassination and never got them back. Top FBI officials told House investigators that finding the prints would be a "mammoth research effort" and refused. So either the FBI bungled its most important case by losing key evidence or someone intentionally destroyed that evidence because the fingerprints on the rifle didn't match Oswald's. Last October, President Donald Trump gave agencies six more months to finish this 25+ year review of material that might damage national security. Upcoming deadlines:
The best stuff will never be released because the truth about the JFK coup will never be revealed, unless Trump sends General Kelly and US Marines to these federal offices to rough up some people. Dec 17, 2017 - Federal Devils Hollywood depicts federal law enforcement agents as saints, but there are lots of devils among them. Recent revelations show the FBI often functions as a KGB to serve political leaders. Unprofessional behavior among federal law enforcement and prosecutors is not uncommon. Read this local news report about the Bundy case in Nevada for an example. Americans find such news of interest, but don't expect national news outlets to cover this story. There is hope since President Trump just openly mentioned this taboo topic: Speaking on Friday to a graduating class at the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy in Quantico, Virginia, President Donald Trump suggested that not all of law enforcement consists of “great people. You are great people doing an incredible job,” he said. “But I hope your families know that. I’d say 90 percent, probably 90 percent, are great, right? The other 10 percent, that’s not working out so well.” Will Black Lives Matter praise Trump for this statement? Dec 16, 2017 - Is Free Energy Suppressed? Lightning is powerful. Where does this great energy come from? Is this free energy we can all use? Maybe so, according to one of the most interesting videos on youtube. It claims the Earth is full of natural electrical energy, as proven a century ago by Nikola Tesla, but access is blocked by the powerful fossil fuel corporations who run our world via the Deep State. In his autobiography, Tesla stated: "I feel certain that of all my inventions, the Magnifying Transmitter will prove most important and valuable to future generations." There has never been a major effort to develop Tesla's concept even though he proved it viable. If this vast conspiracy is true, why is the truth allowed on youtube? Perhaps the Deep State likes the lesson it shows to inventors, scientists, and whistleblowers: If you cause trouble, you'll end up dead! Dec 15, 2017 - Slaughterbots My future military thinking is found in articles like: The Tank is Dead. Some think much further ahead. as seen in this short video about "Slaughterbots." Our military has not accepted the simple idea that cheap COTS UAVs can be modified to become devastating weapons. The Russians recognized this and already fielded an anti-tank UAV! It may seem simple to just shoot down small UAVs, but watch these yahoos trying to shoot down UAVs, which fly low because shooting at targets above is nearly impossible. Think about trying to shoot at one at night or in fog, or if twenty appear at once! An enemy might coordinate a mortar barrage to keep everyone under cover whilst UAVs appear overhead. Or they might send $200 UAVs zooming around as decoys to draw fire and exhaust ammo before more sophisticated UAVs arrive. The biggest problem is that small UAVs are quiet and difficult to see on radar. They can't be heard until nearby, and only if loud tank engines are turned off. Moreover, units cannot standby 24/7 ready to shoot down UAVs. Tankers will know that UAVs are attacking when tanks start exploding! UAVs can fire small projectiles downward into a tank's thin top armor, or they can crash into tanks with an anti-armor warhead like this new Turkish kamikaze UAV. Not only have ATGMs made heavy tanks obsolete, UAVs add to their demise! In past blog posts, I noted that a cheap UAV with a claymore mine attached could devastate infantry. Each infantry platoon should have a UAV team with expendable UAV/Claymores or anti-tank versions. A sophisticated enemy might jam wireless UAVs, but this can be countered with a tethered thin wire version just like some ATGMs use. The US military has even ignored simple UAV tactics. Why send a security patrol outside and around an airbase every six hours when a UAV can patrol the perimeter every hour? Why aren't UAVs SOP for military convoys? One soldier in a truck can use an UAV to sweep ahead and look for IEDs, hazards, and ambushes. Youtube has many videos of ultra-expensive armored vehicles getting ambushed in while on patrol in Yemen. Why don't these units have cheap UAVs scouting ahead? Dec 14, 2017 - Our Pentagon's Money Formula (Overpriced equipment = fat profits) + (wasteful spending = fat profits) = ("campaign contributions" aka personal spending slush funds) + (former Congressmen "lobbying jobs" aka kickbacks) + (former Generals/Admirals "civilian jobs" aka kickbacks) = Massive Legal Bribery The greatest threat to American National Security is mass, routine bribery, and its all legal! This is not a result of our democratic process, it could be made illegal, but will not because of Massive Legal Bribery. Dec 11, 2017 - Life in a Police State A day care worker in Nevada posted a video on Facebook that included a fellow worker changing a baby's diaper. A glimpse of the baby's genitals was seen, so police rushed to arrest this worker and booked her in jail. Dec 10, 2017 - Empty NFL Seats The long-term effect of the current NFL debacle is debatable. The NFL insists that most games are sold out while various websites post pictures of half empty stadiums. Keep in mind that season tickets and bulk tickets purchased by businesses for rewards and promotions were done before this controversy. Therefore, the true financial impact cannot be measured until next season. The NFL has a specific rule about standing for the national anthem (see my Sept 30th post) and it was not enforced. Violators don't have to be formally punished. Just keep them on the bench and they'll get the message. Perhaps several will join a protest, but as soon as one is released (fired) the others will quickly rejoin the team. The NFL is a monopoly! If a player is benched and later released he has nowhere else to play, except for much lower pay in Canada where owners will be hesitant to sign up an activist who ignores team rules. Most fans understand that players are just players, they blame management! The NFL didn't fire Commissioner Roger Goodell, and is now ready to sign him up for another five years for $50 million! Why? He is a disaster, not a genius! They want fans to pay an average of $250 a ticket to support this non-player while their fun is disrupted by political antics on the field! This issue is not about patriotism or support for police. Goodell allowed players in uniform to make political statements that offended half the fans, and this continues! The owners should fire Goodell to please these fans and hire a competent commissioner for $1 million a year. Dec 9, 2017 - The Fuehrer is in All Our Hearts If you want to see a short, artistic video, watch this. It is interesting, odd, funny, and thought provoking. Abstract art -- in video, and the actor really looks like Hitler. Dec 6, 2017 - Idiots in Charge of Foreign Policy This year I made several posts about the idiotic foreign policy of the Trump administration, which he mostly inherited from Obama. Few Americans know what goes on since they rely on American media for news. For example, everyone knows that General Flynn pled guilty to telling a lie to the FBI that he didn't contact the Russians after Trump was elected, but before he took office. This was not improper or illegal, so why did he lie? The truth is that he was acting for Israel to convince the Russians not to support a UN resolution condemning yet another illegal expansion of Israel via ethnic cleansing. Every nation voted to condemn Israel whilst its puppet allies looked away and refused to vote. Israel has long depended on the USA to veto such resolutions, but after kicking Obama around for years, he said the truth would not be vetoed. Israel was in panic and ordered Trump to stop the vote, or delay it until he he took office. Flynn contacted the Russians to see if a deal could be reached since they were angered by unfair sanctions imposed by the Obama mobsters. Flynn thought that since Trump and himself were acting as puppets for Israel he could lie to the FBI. But Trump threw him under the bus so he admitted to this petty "crime." Few Americans know that federal agents are gods who must be told the truth lest off to jail you go. Trump's effort to please Israel and the Saudis caused resentment in the Middle East by destroying Yemen and arming the Kurds. They are Israel's proxy army who are threat to Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria. As a result, there is now a "TRIISQ" alliance with Turkey, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Qatar to oppose "orange revolution" coups organized by Israel, Saudi Arabia, Gulf states, and our CIA. They stopped the coup in Syria and just stopped one Lebanon, which may join this alliance. Few Americans are aware of this major change, even though its covered widely by the foreign press. Pictured are leaders of the three major TRIISQ powers who recently met to deal with the Kurdish problem. Even the idiots in charge of Trump's foreign policy realize they've been outmaneuvered by peaceniks and their plan for a war on Iran is over. The USA/Saudi Arabia/Israel axis of evil can still attack Iran, but would risk a counterattack that could destroy American forces in the Persian Gulf region and result in the overthrow of the crazies running Saudi Arabia. As a result, the US war machine has returned to an old playground -- Afghanistan and found a new one -- Africa! Dec 5, 2017 - Financial Con Men Most people are shocked to learn that Wall Street "experts" who manage funds perform worse than unmanaged (index) funds. Index funds just buy a balanced section of an entire group, like the S&P 500. They do better since they are very diversified, do not gamble on risky stocks, and pay no fund managers outrageous fees. This was recently reconfirmed by an article at Marketwatch that lists the six best investment newsletters based on actual performance that resulted in "top returns." Toward the end of that article we learn: "I should note that while the Honor Roll newsletters have outperformed the typical service not on the Honor Roll, they on average have not outperformed a broad stock-market index fund." That's right! Wall Street's best investment advisers underperform index funds that could be managed by a $10 an hour high school graduate from his mother's basement. Dec 3, 2017 - Manslaughter I just read a news story that some guy thought he saw a deer running in the brush at dusk and fired his hunting pistol. It was a woman who he killed by accident. He called 911 and confessed, yet was rightly charged with manslaughter. Accidental shootings kill hundreds of people each year, and the shooter is sent to prison for five years or more for reckless behavior if it resulted in a homicide. Yet last year, a felon from Mexico in the USA illegally was playing with a loaded pistol in public in crowded San Francisco and accidently fired a round that killed a nearby woman. He admitted to this crime yet was found not guilty? The effort to protect foreign invaders from prosecution for illegal activities has reached a level of insanity! Dec 2, 2017 - is Great America's best news is found at For example, read: The Dog That Didn't Bark, an article with information not found in America's corrupted corporate news outlets. This article will confuse most Americans who are unaware their "news" is limited because of the powerful influence of Israel and Saudi Arabia. As another example, no news organization in the USA reported what happened in Raqqa, Syria. What remained of ISIS was surrounded in that city. The USA arranged a ceasefire so that 4000 armed ISIS fighters could form a hundred vehicle convoy and peacefully escape in broad daylight! This makes no sense unless one knows that ISIS was created and funded by Saudi Arabia, Israel, and our CIA. Dec 1, 2017 - Losing a Lifetime of Savings Elderly Americans and their children must understand Medicaid's five-year look back rule. Don't confuse Medicare, America's health plan for the elderly, with Medicaid, American's health plan for the poor. Medicare requires co-pays, and Medicaid will cover them for the elderly poor. As a result, the elderly are best off poor per Medicaid's definition of having less than $2205 in monthly income and no more than $2000 in assets, excluding one car and a primary residence. A vacation condo, rental house, $20,000 CD, or big 401K account are assets that disqualifies one for Medicaid support. Medicare is a great government plan that pays up to 80% of costs, but a stroke with weeks of hospital care might cost a million dollars resulting in a $200,000 co-pay bill! One can file bankruptcy, but the court will liquidate assets to pay these bills. Some Americans have great employer paid health plans after age 65 so this is no worry. Some Americans pay into a special long-term insurance plan during their working years to cover health expenses upon retirement. Paying $200 a month or so for Medicare supplemental insurance is wise to cover co-pays, but this assumes you don't end up in an ambulance and taken to an out-of-network hospital that leaves you with huge unpaid bills. Most Americans do no financial planning until their health fails and huge hospital or nursing home bills arrive. As their lifetime savings quickly diminish, they realize they should have spent that money or given it away. If they require nursing home care, their health insurance or Medicare will only pay around 90 days for rehabilitation. Most are ineligible for Medicaid help because they must have been "poor" for the past five years, and IRS records tell all. One can move assets into a irrevocable trust five years in advance, often called a Medicaid Trust, but this costs over $5000 to set up and perhaps $1000 a year in accounting/tax prep fees. However, dealing with America's certified financial planners is difficult because they are covert insurance salesmen who make a commission on whatever they sell. Since you lose control of assets placed in an irrevocable trust, you might as well just give them away. However, the IRS limits tax free gifts to $14,000 a year. If you give your adult child or grandchild more, they will owe income tax on anything more than $14,000. The best option for some is to take advantage of the home exemption and make a lump sum principle payment to pay down their mortgage. There are other ways to liquidate assets, but any of these options must be done five years before the unexpected health crisis so that Medicaid covers copays or medical bill collectors find nothing to seize. Sadly, many Americans save money for decades and plan to use it to help their children and grandchildren, but see it quickly depleted by medical or nursing home bills until they are forced into bankruptcy. Meanwhile, their neighbor never saved a cent so Medicaid covers all his bills, even if he's a non-citizen who never worked a day in the USA. We all die some day, and for most it will be a slow, expensive process. Paying your way is a righteous idea, but many Americans don't understand that their lifetime of savings can disappear after a few months of treatment in America's ultra-expensive health care system. If you are older than age 60 and have significant assets other than your home, you need a financial protection plan in place five years before your unexpected health crisis. Nov 24, 2017 - Damn Typos! I just finished reading one of my articles for probably the fifth time and still found typos and simple grammar mistakes. I sometimes read my articles aloud to catch these things. Famous author James A. Michener once wrote that after he finished writing a book, it was read by another 14 people during the publication process to offer advice and find typos and errors before it was printed. Yet whenever he read through one of his older books in print, he'd still find mistakes that were missed by 15 experts! Nov 23, 2017 - Ambulance Rackets In many cities, ambulance companies rip off citizens. Since local police summon ambulances via 911, they have a monopoly to set prices and most do, but not all. Of course companies must make a profit and lose money whenever a customer refuses to pay or is unable to pay, but oversight of this monopoly is vital. Read this recent article about people slapped with a bill for thousands of dollars for a short ride to a hospital. While Americans are powerless to change most things in government, ambulance fees are controlled locally, and 99.9% of your fellow citizens will support an effort to reduce charges or close loopholes. When 911 is called the customer cannot negotiate a price, and in many cases they didn't call the ambulance or consent to a ride. Calling 911 for an emergency is a great system, but citizens must watch for profiteering. Nov 22, 2017 - Fake News Vanity Fair just published fake news that is so unbelievable one wonders why they bothered. They source two unnamed intelligence experts who claim evil Trump revealed a secret Israeli operation. The story is that Israel flew two huge CH-53 helicopters into Northern Syria with jeeps, commandos and telephone experts to plant a listening device. Really? They sent two big, loud, non-stealthy helos and two dozen personnel just to plant a listening device at an undefended location? It's hard to believe they could pull this off without the helicopters getting shot down, unless the Americans provided air cover. Even so, this would be a foolishly risky mission, especially to fly low up a big river lined with towns and military units as the story claims. Israel has covert agents all over Syria, with many of them advising ISIS since Israel wants Assad overthrown so it can annex more of Syria. If it wants to plant a listening device, Israel would have one of them do it. And the fake news is that listening device revealed ISIS can plant a tiny bomb in a laptop, something any college electrical engineer graduate can do. Such a bomb would be far too small to cause any serious damage to a big aircraft. At most it could injure a few passengers, but ISIS can kill far more by just attacking targets with a car. Even if this story is true, what exactly did Trump reveal? Did he tell the Russians that terrorists might use a laptop bomb? That Israel conducts covert ops in Syria? How would this harm anyone? Since the US had already ordered laptops banned as carry-ons from several Arab nations, everyone knew why. And why ban them from carry-on when they could explode in the cargo hold? This fake story rambles on to end with the often discredited BS that Trump is a Russian spy: "What further exacerbates Israel’s concerns—“keeps me up at night” was how a government spymaster put it—is that if Trump is handing over Israel’s secrets to the Russians, then he just might as well be delivering them to Iran..." Nov 20, 2017 - Football Destroys Brains The NFL can survive its "kneeling" problem if leadership eventually acts, but it's got a bigger problem. Famous broadcaster Bob Costas recently said the future of football is bleak: “The reality is that this game destroys people’s brains,...The cracks in the foundation are there. The day-to-day issues, as serious as they may be, they may come and go. But you cannot change the nature of the game. I certainly would not let, if I had an athletically gifted 12- or 13-year-old son, I would not let him play football.” One can dismiss the danger to NFL players knowing they earn millions of dollars a year. But what about the millions of college and high school players? Some 99.99% of them will never earn a dime from bashing their skulls and bodies. If you read the research, young players are exposed to greater risk because their skull is not fully grown and hardened until after age 16, so even minor blows cause hidden damage. Students could play flag football, or maybe get rid of the expensive bashing equipment that didn't exist when football began, and ban hitting other players to make the game more like rugby. Nov 19, 2017 - Michael Crichton was Brilliant Michael Crichton was a great writer, perhaps because of unusual characteristics. He was 6ft. 9in. tall, graduated from Harvard Medical School but never practiced medicine, and married five times. Read his brilliant short essay Environmentalism is a religion that begins: "I have been asked to talk about what I consider the most important challenge facing mankind, and I have a fundamental answer. The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance..." Nov 13, 2017 - Vital Amtrack Variants Here is something new in my book: Vital Amtrack Variants that begins:
Nov 12, 2017 - A Reader Comments on Paddock I used to be a phone guy down in DC (a bit of a curious DC insider), serviced the entire scope of Federal, Political and Academic offices and entities, along with the think tanks Brookings and CATO and Heritage and the rest, even a stint at NSA. I set a lot of their wiretaps over several decades down there, I talked to them, got to know some of them and what they did. Paddock was like so many of them that went off the reservation. My impression is that he was owned by someone as are so many of these fucks that are allowed to run amongst us. He was a gun runner, he skimmed weapons, like you said, maybe for this shooting, maybe for his own profit and from there it went SNAFU. I wouldn’t be surprised (not that we’ll ever get the truth), if he was a Fast and Furious gun runner. I can’t find any of his flight plans, yet he had two planes and homes in three or four states, that’s a tell for “spook” right there. Were those his homes, or were they Safe Houses? In any case, someone at Justice, CIA, DEA, U.S. Marshals, one or the other of the alphabet soup of Law Enforcement Depravity owned this guy as a guy that either was a fink or an operative. He had to have a handler who was responsible for him and his activities went rogue, either for fun or profit. I know a fink and an operative when one backs up in my drain and this guy is one of them. Oh, Justice ran in a fixer to obfuscate, scoop the evidence, buy off the security guard, release one bullshit narrative after another, but that’s routine with these deals, every one. How many times do we have to see the FBI waltz in, dust off the local cops to traffic duty, scoop the evidence and walk away with the truth? Gabbie Giffords, I am convinced, was shot with a Fast and Furious weapon, yet off went the FBI with the weapon, the shooter and again, the truth. Ya know what, Mr. Meyer? Whatever we think, if we got too close, they’d dust us off, too. It’s a tarpit, get too close, they pull you in, they disappear you. Where was Paddock's funeral, where’s his corpse? Like I said, FBI scoops everything and then shines us on. Don’t like it? Tough. Glad I’m out of all that. Not sure what the answer is, but between the wars, selective law enforcement and prosecutions, they own the joint, we’re just hobbyists, playing Who-Done-It. Enjoy your posts immensely. Your stuff should be top-billing on Taki and Ron Unz’s site. Regards, JC ___________________________________ What have we heard from Paddock's friends and family? The corporate media made a big deal about Paddock's girlfriend. She returned to the USA, was swept up by the Feds at the airport, and disappeared. One of his brothers was very vocal that the official story made no sense, until another brother was suddenly arrested and charged with "child pornography." Maybe that brother knew too much and was talking, but now all relatives are silent. We are assured that Paddock shot himself in the head as police arrived. The County Coroners office determines a cause of death within a few hours several times a day. This case is their highest priority so the cause of death as suicide by gunshot should be an easy report to produce in a few hours. But it seems there was a problem getting the Coroners office to sign off on Paddock's cause of death. "Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said an autopsy was completed on the 64-year-old Paddock, but a finding on a cause and manner of his death is not expected for several months." A self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head should be simple to determine, and the County Sheriff has repeatedly assured everyone this was the cause. But see how they spun "cause of death" to become "cause of his behavior". Those are different. And now Paddock's brain was sent out of state for a lengthy federally funded study, never to return, and never to be discussed in public: "Under an agreement with Las Vegas-based investigators, the [Stanford] university won’t discuss their plans — and will not allow neuropathologist Dr. Hannes Vogel to speak even generally about the lab, which studies about 250 brains annually." Case closed! Move on, nothing to see here. Nov 11, 2017 - Why the Air is About to Come Out of America's Bubble Peter Schiff has been wrong many times, but I agree with his speech about America's dire economic situation. Trump's effort to cut taxes and increase military spending makes things worse. Nov 10, 2017 - Japan's Conditional Surrender
General Douglas MacArthur lived in Tokyo prior to the war and understood Japanese culture and politics. When he arrived to take charge of Japan, MacArthur stayed in a hotel rather than occupying the palace. So why does anyone believe Japan's surrendered unconditionally? In January 1945, Japan secretly offered to surrender if the Emperor could remain untouched as a symbolic leader. This offer was ignored, yet the Battle of Okinawa proved very bloody for the USA. The Soviet Union had invaded Manchuria and was about to invade Japan. The USA had dropped two atomic bombs, which caused no more damage than two firebombing raids. Only one more atomic bomb was ready and others would not arrive for another six months. The Allies expected a million casualties to take Japan.
As a result, the USA wisely agreed to Japan's demand that the Emperor remain, and General MacArthur formally signed this conditional surrender agreement in Tokyo Bay. (pictured) This fact is rarely found in history books but can be found in the CIA's historical library! "So it was that on 10 August, at 3:00 a.m., the Cabinet and the Supreme Council complied and voted in reluctant unanimity to accept the Potsdam offer, but with the stipulation that the Emperor remain the sovereign ruler of the country. By 7:00 a.m., the Foreign Minister had dispatched an announcement of the decision to the United States and China through Japan's Minister Shunichi Kase in Switzerland, and to Great Britain and the USSR through Minister Suemasa Okamoto in Sweden. Japanese officials tensely awaited the Allies’ response. Turmoil in WashingtonWashington hotly debated Japan’s request for modification of the Potsdam accord. Historian Robert Butow details the opposing arguments: one side was convinced that acceding to Japan’s proviso would inspire prolonged fighting; the other side held that assuring the Emperor’s continued status as head of state would strengthen post-war reformation. In the end, Secretary of State Byrnes prevailed and prepared the Allied nations’ reply, stipulating that the Emperor could remain as a sovereign ruler, but that “from the moment of surrender, the authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander of the Allied powers.” With the concurrence of the United Kingdom, China, Australia and, ultimately, the USSR, the reply was forwarded to Japan through Switzerland." Nov 5, 2017 - Why the US Lost the Vietnam War I remember Colonel David Hackworth saying that he spent four years in Vietnam, but learned more about the war by reading books after he left. He didn't like to discuss the war with most Vietnam vets because so many are arrogant and clueless. They spent a year in a very limited role in one small area of South Vietnam, never read a book about the war or that nation, yet are quick to express their expert opinion on the conflict. There are great resources for the curious, like the US Army's Vietnam Studies that can be read on-line for free. I read them all many years ago. These were written by Army officers soon after the war and provide great information. For example, professional liars like Oliver North are quick to denounce anyone who suggests that war crimes were committed. The "Vietnam Studies" includes a book: Law at War - Vietnam 1964-1973 that notes: "From January 1965 through August 1973, 36 cases involving war crimes allegations against Army personnel were tried by courtmartial. Sixteen cases involving thirty men resulted in acquittal or dismissal after arraignment. Twenty cases involving thirty-one Army servicemen resulted in conviction."
That book notes that it doesn't cover the My Lai massacre. (pictured) In 1968, a US Army infantry company led by a captain killed between 347 and 504 unarmed Vietnamese civilians in one day! Victims included old men, women, children, and infants. Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated. Others were herded into ditches and executed. The massacre ended only because a passing helicopter pilot reported the carnage and senior officers intervened. The number killed is uncertain because Army Generals kept reports secret until some leaked to the press over a year later. If you find that Wiki link unbelievable, read the official, lengthy, and shocking US Army "Peers Report." This is ugly history, but keep in mind that 99% of Vietnam vets committed no crimes and served honorably, but 1% of the million who served there leaves some 10,000 criminals. They caused lots of misery, even for their fellow GIs! As I explained in past posts, some 2% of humans are psychopaths and most keep their urges under control. But if you give them a rifle and place them in a violent, chaotic environment, most lose control. Americans know little about the Vietnam war since all are misled by American propaganda. Here is a brilliant, short summary that includes key facts: Why the US Lost the Vietnam War. That article explains how the US was "out thought" but it was also "out fought" at times. The myth that the US military never lost a battle in Vietnam began during that conflict when Generals began calling battles "engagements." Over the past few years, I've helped dispel that myth with my series: Lost Battles of the Vietnam War, which lists 104 significant "engagements" lost by the US military in Vietnam. Nov 1, 2017 - Battle of Unsan
Oct 31, 2017 - MGM Fakery There is now no doubt that a cover up occurred after the Las Vegas shootings. The media tried to locate the key witness, security guard Jesus Campos. It was learned via a leak that Campos immediately fled to Mexico for several days, despite the vital ongoing investigation and his wound. He then returned to face the press, but MGM officials intercepted him and all planned interviews were cancelled. They flew him to New York to appear on an MGM sponsored TV show to answer pre-approved softball questions from corporate entertainment lackey -- Ellen. This wasn't her normal live show, it was pre-recorded in case Campos screwed up and editing was needed. During that interview, he changed the official story that he was sent to the 32nd floor to investigate an alarm, heard drilling, and noticed an odd camera. The new story is that he discovered someone had added a bolt to lock an emergency exit, so he opened it, but when the door slammed the shooting began. Campos remains hidden in a free MGM suite and is not allowed to speak to the press. He's probably collecting 16 hours of overtime pay each day for this 24-hour duty. Some 27 days after the shooting, MGM released a short audio of Campos reporting the shooting on his radio. Over 200 rounds were fired down a hallway with one hitting him as he sprinted down two hallways with a leg wound, Campos calls in with no heavy breathing or sense of panic. He calmly waits for dispatch to reply, then dryly reports "Hey, there shots fired in 32-135." Listen to the 24 second clip yourself! The dispatcher just replies with a calm "all right" as though "shots fired" is a common report each night. That is how a hotel security guard would report broken beer bottles in the hallway near 32-135. This is either a poor reenactment by Campos days later, or spliced clips from other Campos reports. This release is so unbelievable that it serves as proof of a cover up - see my Oct 28 blog post. In a believable report, Campos would be breathing heavily, push the talk button, and scream something like: Shots fired! Automatic fire, lots of bullets! I've been hit! I'm bleeding. Shots came from 32-135. I'm shot, they are still shooting!" And the conversation would not end there. The excited dispatcher would ask a dozen more questions to clarify what happened. I suspect his original report was "they are shooting" with other details not fit for public release. Oct 29, 2017 - German Americans Persecuted During World War I Here is a story that you never read in the USA; it's from the UK. During World War I, my Grandfather changed the spelling of his German last name from Meier to the English form -- Meyer. He was drafted and served in the US Army during World War I. It must have been awkward since he only spoke German at the time. After the war, they allowed soldiers to keep their Springfield service rifle as a souvenir! Oct 28, 2017 - Was the Paddock Under Surveillance? After the shock of the Las Vegas shootings, citizens realized that no one saw Stephen Paddock fire a gun, there is no evidence that he did, and it was impossible for him to fire that many bullets. News article comments like these show the public is skeptical of the odd, changing official government story: "Until I see hotel parking lot video, hotel, casino, elevator and hallway video footage that identifies the named shooter bringing up is arsenal many trips with no help to fully support the lone gunman theory, I call hogwash. I also want video footage of the security guard who was shot tracing his steps on that night as well as footage of the swat team entering the place too. The hotel and casino has more video surveillance than Fort Knox if everything they say happened did so the way it is being told there would be tons of video from the Mandalay Bay casino and hotel to back it up. Either show the video or shut up you media hacks and government liars." "Shooting time: 10 minutes Casualties: 600 + Casualty Rate: 60/minute This means a single shooter had to be hitting one person every second for the entire 10 minutes. Plus changing mags on a AR platform, in semi-auto, 30 round mags. Okay, maybe half the injuries were not directly from bullets, but a hit every two seconds without really aiming is impossible." "Why the gag order on speaking to the press? Since the lone gunman is dead, its not like they have to keep information for a case that would go court. Just like the Pentagon on 9-11, show us footage from the dozens of security cameras!" "By their own timeline they got to the suite 40 minutes after the shooting stopped. They found 24 abandoned weapons and a dead guy. Paddock was an accountant. For tax purposes he claimed his income (millions) came from winning at video poker; that is statistically impossible. The income really came from selling guns to dubious characters who couldn't otherwise buy them. He took the guns to the suite as a business transaction, but they had no further need of him. The terrorists had plenty of time to get away. They had a camera in the hall to tell them when the coast was clear. If a hard drive is missing, they took it with them. Otherwise, Why would he bring a laptop with no hard drive to his hotel room? Paddock had no suicidal / homicidal indicators, he was non-political, and he had no fascination with firearms. Of course, they're still struggling to find a motive. He didn't do it. The terrorists got away." "My guess this is a sting gone bad. One of the government agencies was trying to lure a group of terrorist into the open. The plot failed and they took out as many people as they could before escaping. The agency sent in a team to set up the scene and removed the hard drive in the computer. Why was Campos a supposed witness was sent out to the country. even now he is under a gag order and is avoiding the press like the plague." Here is my plausible theory that explains everything. Stephan Paddock was making money gun running and was under surveillance by the Feds. He had 23 different automatic rifles in his room as samples for buyers. As a known high roller, he mixed with other big spenders at Mandalay Bay and some are wealthy criminals. Perhaps Paddock was part of an undercover operation. He may have volunteered, or was forced to volunteer to avoid jail time for a minor crime. Law enforcement knew he had those guns and ammo there, and may have provided them. They even provided him with a key to use the service elevator to avoid attention and installed security cameras in Paddock's room and one outside his door. On Oct 1st, Paddock had customers in his room inspecting guns. They were violent criminals who Paddock promised a few dozen assault rifles and light machine guns. A couple cops were in the next room watching and listening. All is good until housekeeping reports that the stairwell door on Paddock's floor near his room was jammed. Paddock or the cops may have done this to limit access since no one takes the stairs to the 32nd floor. Security is called and unarmed guard Jesus Campos investigates, who then calls down for maintenance to come repair it. While waiting, Campos notices an odd security camera in the hallway. Hotel guests would ignore it as cameras are common, but Campos works there and has never seen that type. Senior hotel security know of the police sting, but would not inform all their low-level security guards. The camera is pointing toward Paddock's room, who Campos knows as a high-roller and frequent guest. As a courtesy, he knocks to ask Paddock if it his camera. There is knocking at the door with some guy shouting "Security". The criminals think it's a trap, so they load weapons, shoot through the door, and hit a fleeing Campos. They open the door and spray bullets down the hallway thinking cops are all around. They see none and are unsure what to do for five minutes, except to kill Paddock. Maybe cops are waiting in the stairwell and elevators to ambush them. If not, armed security and a SWAT team are coming, so they need a diversion. They break open two windows and look for targets. They open fire on the airport fuel tanks and the crowd far away to create 911 call chaos, then flee the hotel with some weapons, including the light machine gun whose unique firing sound was recorded by several witnesses. The hotel security chief does not call 9-11 because he knows about the police sting. This is an embarrassing disaster for MGM and law enforcement, so they quickly agree to blame it all on "crazy" Paddock. They delete all the hotel security camera footage, take the hard drive out of Paddock's laptop in the evidence room, and order Campos to keep his mouth shut. Case closed! Once again, this is speculation, but explains everything. There is no evil conspiracy to implement gun control or a false flag to blame terrorists. It was an undercover operation that suddenly went out of control. I would not even call this incompetence because no one could have predicted such an outcome, just like when our ATF allowed the illegal sale of some 2000 automatic rifles to criminals in Mexico; aka Operation Fast and Furious. Oct 24, 2017 - Alien Robots Some dismiss the idea that aliens visit Earth because it would take life forms many years to travel here even at the speed of light, and space radiation would kill them. However, robots can live forever, fixing broken parts and improving themselves. Space radiation would not harm them and they need no food or water if powered by a nuclear type reactor. Alien robots could alter their appearance to look human while they move around Earth. That may be difficult, but they only need to look good enough so they can arise from nowhere and quickly become a multi-billionaire with great power. While some people wonder if aliens visit Earth, it's more likely they've been here all along, at least robot aliens. Being a primitive human, I have no idea what they want here or why they stay. The great movie "District 9" depicts aliens who arrive only because their spaceship broke down. They just want help to repair their ship so they can go home. "I, Robot" is another great movie to understand our future. In theory, robots improve our lives, but thus far they've mostly displaced workers while increasing profits for billionaires. Oct 22, 2017 - Outsourcing American Jobs Inside the USA Here are two stories of interest that our corporate media mostly ignores. The USA will grant two million work visas during 2017, despite the millions of unemployed US citizens, and despite Trump's promise to cut back on this legal abuse of American labor. No politician bothers to explain why this happens. Trump did stop the DACA amnesty program and corporate media attacked him for protecting American workers. It was nice to see this article that explains the complexity of DACA. Oct 21, 2017 - No Sense of Decency President Trump took time to call the wives of four American soldiers who died on a senseless mission in Niger, where American Generals have quietly dispatched over a thousand American troops without informing Congress. We are told they were killed by ISIS, a mythical evil group that is everywhere and nowhere. Trump was warned that such calls don't always go well as wives are in mourning. One wife got upset and an opportunist Congressman overheard the call. She has no sense of decency and exploited this into another "Trump is Evil" story. Our corporate media is also indecent and publicized her disgusting effort, along with many indecent political figures. Whatever one thinks of Trump, he took time to offer condolences, and may have stumbled words, but his intentions were good. Anyone who attacked Trump or published attacks by others is indecent scum. They should attack the idiot Generals who devised that pointless mission. Oct 15, 2017 - The Nauvoo Legion
Oct 14, 2017 - News You May Have Missed Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart - It was confirmed that there was no Russian hacking in the US Presidential election. America's corporate media refuses to apologize and correct this fake news, while anti-Russian propaganda continues. Mandalay Bay Security Guard Skips TV Interviews - You probably read about the comical cover-up involving the Las Vegas shootings, and might have seen critical videos before youtube censored them. During the week after the massacre, the Sheriff in charge said during news conferences that a hotel security guard was shot six minutes before shooter began firing on the crowd. It seems the hotel didn't call 911 until 17 minutes after the first shots were fired. These big casinos like to keep their high-rollers out of trouble and negative news out of the media. They admit this guy gambled for hours each day yet insist he had no gambling debts. They probably have a drunk or angry customer shoot off some rounds every few years. I suspect the hotel followed procedure and waited for their security team to arrive at the 32nd floor to confirm phone and radio reports before calling 911. After all, the hotel had provided the shooter this room for free as a comp. As a result, Las Vegas police were unaware of the shooter's location for critical minutes, probably resulting in more lost lives. A week later, lawyers had already filed lawsuits against the huge MGM corporation when the head of MGM announced the Sheriff was wrong; stating the shooter fired on the crowd immediately after shooting up the hallway. This is an odd dispute because dozens of MGM employees knew exactly what happened and security cameras captured the exact time 200 bullets were fired down the hallway of the hotel, with one hitting a security guard. An MGM maintenance worker appeared in news reports saying he was there and radioed the shooting immediately to hotel staff. The next day the Sheriff announced that he was wrong last week and dashed away, refusing to answer questions from the media. Then the wounded security guard cancelled all his planned TV interviews after a visit from MGM officials, and disappeared. Oct 10, 2017 - More Lost Battles of the Vietnam War 1. Assault at Srok Dong - In June 1966, units from the 18th Infantry Regiment were assigned to escort engineers to repair a bridge. They encountered dug-in Viet Cong and attacked. All four supporting tanks were disabled as soldiers fought bravely for three days as they suffered 34 dead and 84 wounded. 2. Firebase Tomahawk Destroyed - In June 1969, the NVA attacked and destroyed this firebase. Four howitzers and all ammunition were destroyed with 13 American soldiers killed and 50 wounded. 3. Rangers Trapped on Hill 809 - In April 1971, US Army Rangers launched a small raid to blow up a road culvert. The Rangers were shot up as they landed and pinned down with the loss of two helicopters. A rescue force arrived the next day to extract survivors from this failed operation that resulted in 12 soldiers killed, 20 wounded, and one captured. Oct 7, 2017 - ISIS Says What? We often hear what ISIS has to say, but since ISIS does not exist, where do these stories come from? Feel free to read "news" stories and google their sources. You learn there is no ISIS spokesman or leader, but small CIA funded intel companies around Washington DC who monitor "militant' websites for clues. They read postings and decide what ISIS has to say, and our corporate media reports this as fact, and it's always threatening. As H.L. Menken wrote a century ago: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary." Oct 6, 2017 - The Biggest Shooting Massacre? So far as I've read, the recent Las Vegas shooting massacre was the biggest done by an individual. It was not the biggest in American history. The US Army massacred American Indians on several occasions. Most of these occurred during battles, but some were outright executions, like in 1850 when almost 200 Pomo Indians were slaughtered by US Calvary troops in California. Indians did some massacres too, like in 1873 when a thousand Sioux warriors attacked a Pawnee hunting party in Nebraska consisting of 700 men, women, and children. They slaughtered 69 Pawnees as they fled and wounded many more, just for fun. Small rebellions by blacks led to several incidents where over a hundred were killed by state militias. The biggest slaughter of whites occurred in 1857 just two hours north of Las Vegas when Mormon radicals slaughtered over 120 whites in a wagon train who were simply passing through their area. In 1993, four federal agents were killed in botched raid on a white farming community near Waco, Texas. This led to a long standoff, until the Feds attacked and slaughtered 76 men, women, and children, while no federal agent was even wounded. Despite continual coverage of the recent Las Vegas tragedy, I have not read criticisms of our NSA. They monitor everything in the USA, but somehow never alerted law enforcement about his guy. Hundreds of FINCINs (large cash transaction reports) were filed with his name, he purchased dozens of firearms, traveled to dozens of countries, gambled excessively, took prescription mental health meds, wired $100,000 overseas two weeks prior, and his dad was a career criminal. Yet all their computer models and data collection efforts failed to raise a flag, and the Mandalay Bay even provided him the room for free as a comp. Oct 5, 2017 - The US Economy is Failing Paul Craig Roberts penned another outstanding article about dismal job prospects for American workers. This is not progress! Oct 1, 2017 - Costco Pharmacy Consumer Reports had a great article on pharmacy prices a few years ago. Costco was the cheapest by far, several times cheaper than CVS. It noted that people with insurance think it saves them money, but some pay more for their copay than the cash price at Costco! You don't have to be a Costco member to use their pharmacy, just tell their doorman that you are going to pharmacy. It is difficult to compare prices because pharmacies refuse to post their prices on-line, so you have to call around to compare. Costco recently broke this barrier and now posts most med prices on-line. You'll see that meds come in different forms, and capsules are often half the price of tablets, but you must ask your doctor to write the script for the cheaper form. Generics are much cheaper and the exact same formulation as brand names. Nevertheless, some meds are so expensive that copays are high, so some people don't fill non-critical scripts. This hurts sales for Big Pharma, so they now game the system by offering manufacture coupons or rebates on-line that pharmacies accept for copays. This costs them money, but they more than make that back with the huge profit collected from insurance reimbursements. So do an online search for your med with "coupon" or "rebate" and you might save lots of money. Sep 30, 2017 - Fire Goodell! I will not trouble readers with yet another opinion on this mess, but allow me to offer facts. The NFL operations manual states: "The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses." If the NFL no longer supports this rule, then change it! If it doesn't like the National Anthem, then don't play it! Players can engage in any politics they wish to outside of their place of employment. When people show up at work they can’t say or do whatever they want. These players are at work and in uniform. Why was this rule not enforced? Players are fined for wearing the wrong color of socks, excessive celebrating, and making rude gestures. So why wasn't this rule enforced when first violated a year ago? Will players begin to protest by giving a political speech in front of cameras after every touchdown? What about wearing a "Cops Suck" sticker on their helmet? That would be free speech. How can some play the race card in a league that is 68% black supported by white fans who provide the vast majority of their earnings. I agree the problem of income inequality and police brutality needs to be addressed, but only one player protested during the eight years when President Obama was in office. Finally, why protest the Anthem, a song about fighting for independence from Great Britain? This only makes sense if a player is a descendant of British Loyalists who sided with the English King during the Revolutionary War. After criticism from President Trump, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced: "Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities." This is a classic example of institutional narcissism. The Commissioner and his players each earn millions of dollars a year, yet demand respect? They are not volunteers helping the poor. They do not produce food or fight fires or arrest criminals. They are highly paid entertainers who love what they do! Now they are less entertaining, so will earn less as many fans protest by watching another sport or college football instead. Goodell doesn't seem to realize that half the nation voted for Trump, and they constitute the majority of his fan base. He should have used Trump's attack as an opportunity to correct the problem, citing the rule on the books and saying it will be enforced in future games with fines or suspensions. Goodell could encourage players to use their wealth to support efforts for political change on their free time, but remind everyone that the NFL is not a political organization and will not be used to promote political agendas. Goodell proved incompetent already and should be replaced by someone who understands business and common sense. Sep 24, 2017 - Hillary Clinton for President in 2020! I know this seems impossible, but it looks like Hillary Clinton plans to run for president in 2020. She collected millions of dollars during her political life and most people would be happy to retire at age 70. However, she is promoting her new book that blames everyone else for her loss and making political appearances to promote herself. Jimmy Dore has some insightful, funny, and profane comments about this possibility. Sep 23, 2017 - Eight Shot at JFK Here is an outstanding documentary: JFK Truth It assembles good theories into a coherent and entertaining story. I think most is true, but some must be speculation because all is presented as hard fact that no one person could know. Sep 18, 2017 - One Flag Over Texas
Six Flags included the official flag of the Confederacy (not the southern cross battle flag), but that was not acceptable to our unknown rulers, nor is the historical fact that Texas was once part of the Confederacy. The effort to stamp out any loyalty other than to the US government intensified so that five flags are now gone. All "Six Flags" at these parks are now American flags. Sep 17, 2017 - Wage Propaganda Corporate propaganda is often absurd, like the idea that raising the minimum wage is bad for workers because jobs are lost. Meanwhile, they promote open borders by advocating another amnesty for illegal aliens that will result in millions more unskilled workers. Corporate media also promotes the idea that raising wages leads to automation and eliminates jobs. This is true to a tiny degree, but corporations will do this if economical, even if wages remain flat. Yet they spin the idea in absurd articles like this one: Raising the minimum wage leads workers in these industries to be replaced by robotsIt warns of layoffs because most states have bypassed our corrupt federal government and raised the minimum wage. Several states now require over $10 an hour be paid, much higher than the $7.25 national rate that remains unchanged since 2009. That article notes that the biggest job losses from automation occurred in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, yet the link provided shows the minimum wage in these states is only: Michigan ($8.90), Ohio ($8.15), and Indiana ($7.25), which proves the article false! Sep 11, 2017 - 101 Lost Battles I just added three new battles to my series: Lost Battles of the Vietnam War: 16. Battle of Ap Nha Mat - On Dec 5, 1965, the 2nd battalion of the US Army's 2nd Infantry Regiment was searching for an NVA regiment and found it, dug in bunkers all around them. An intense firefight erupted resulting in 43 Americans killed and 119 wounded as some soldiers fell back leaving dead and wounded behind. The NVA withdrew and Army Generals later claimed that 301 NVA were killed, although few bodies were found. 22. Patrol Surrounded - On July 3, 1966, a 22-man patrol from the Army's 35th Infantry Regiment found itself surrounded and pinned down by NVA fire. They were rescued the next morning, but 15 were dead and 4 wounded while several more Americans were killed during the difficult rescue. 85. Slaughter at Ap Bu Nho - A newly arrived, arrogant American officer learned the location of an NVA regiment and sent the 2nd battalion from the 7th Calvary to destroy it. On Dec. 3, 1968, as D Company landed by helicopter it was shot up with the loss of several helicopters. D Company was later rescued with just 12 healthy men remaining as 52 had been killed and 70 wounded. Sep 10, 2017 - Ultra Fake News I haven't researched the staged event at Charlottesville VA since many bloggers have, but did stumble across two key facts ignored by our corporate media. When videotapes surfaced, it became clear that the "white racist" from Ohio did not show up with a car to plow down a mob. He was stuck in traffic and attacked in his car, with "protestors" using clubs to break his windshield. Fearing for his life, he put the car in reverse and accelerated backwards, hitting the car behind and setting off a chain of bumping that injured several. This was ignored by our corporate spinmasters, who focused on the death heroic bystander Heather Heyer. She was "run over" by a racist as we've been told hundreds of times, despite the numerous videos on the Internet that showed no one "run over". But now real news has exposed as this biggest fake news of the year. Heyer was obese and suffered a heart attack during the commotion. She was not run over! Reports from eyewitnesses confirmed this and were posted on the net, but were ignored by the media while their covert "left wing" websites denounced truth tellers as racist Nazis. Now NBC News just screwed up and released a news clip of Heyer's mother saying that she died from a heart attack, while the NBC caption says Heyer was run over! Hard proof exists yet we see no "breaking news" on our 24-hour news networks, and checking the web shows no corrections from any news organizations! This demonstrates the near total control of information in the USA, and why tiny Internet websites are more trusted. This is why Internet censorship has begun in the USA under the guise of stopping hate speech and fake news. Sep 9, 2017 - DACA Caca DACA is unconstitutional, something informed Americans agree upon. (Caca means shit in Mexican, hence the title.) President Obama created this amnesty program with no legislation, and he openly said because Congress refused to pass his proposed law. Whatever one thinks of the idea, Obama acted as a tyrant on behalf of corporate America that wants to flood our nation with ever more workers to drive down wages. A federal judge halted the program after a year for that reason. If DACA is a good idea, Congress can legislate this as required in a democracy. Executive orders are only for emergencies where Congress cannot act promptly, top secret affairs, or clarifications of vague laws, not for royal proclamations by a President when Congress disagrees. DACA illegal immigrants had to be younger than age 31 on June 15, 2012, must have come to the U.S. when they were younger than 16, and must have lived in the U.S. since 2007. In August 2012, the Pew Research Center estimated that up to 1.7 million people might be eligible. But what about those who arrived after the current DACA limit, in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016? Must they be included because of the "moral imperative" Obama cited? What about those crossing now? There are no hard records about these foreign invaders, so DACA requirements can be met with no proof. And once these kids get resident cards (“kids” up to age 36) their parents and siblings can get immediate family visas. So we are talking about tens of millions now here illegally getting SSNs and applying to collect tens of billions of dollars in annual federal benefits, thus opening the door for millions more unskilled and disabled immigrants via immediate family visas. Legal foreigners age 65 and older automatically get SSI checks and Medicaid as “aged” without ever paying a cent in social security or income taxes, as well as younger disabled foreigners who never worked a day in the USA. Millions of Latinos will continue to pour across our border and millions more who now arrive from Africa after they cross over to South America and claim asylum, then take a bus north (waved thru by several Latin American nations). These "refugees" walk across our lightly defended border, yell asylum and bingo, their kids are here and its not their fault, so they DACA over to the welfare office. In addition, young adults may claim they are only 17 years old to get a visa and welfare benefits as an "unaccompanied minor". Several million "refugees" arrived while Obama was in office since his DACA amnesty suggested open borders. Rewarding bad behavior only encourages more! Recent news reports are that illegal border crossings have dropped sharply since Trump took office, simply because he talked about enforcing immigration laws. This problem is the result of the two previous amnesties and lax immigration enforcement. Now corporate America demands another amnesty to solve this worldwide overpopulation problem? They spin DACA as a realistic solution, claiming we can't deport people and can't secure our borders, so let's be realistic and give up. But the US government doesn't really try. Our "Department of Defense" has 1,200,000 active duty personnel and a million civilians, yet only a few hundred are actually assigned to help defend the USA from this invasion. Placing just 10,000 soldiers back on the border would make a big difference, and eliminating the anchor baby loophole is a simple fix. Meanwhile, the insane "diversity visa" program continues to flood the USA with tens of thousands of low skilled Third Worlders each year who are immediately placed in government housing with benefits, and then apply for immediate family visas for an even larger number of relatives. These unwanted economic refugees are clogging our schools, hospitals, jails, and driving up rents. Meanwhile, corporate America warns that higher minimum wages for Americans are bad since it encourages automation and eliminates jobs, while also promoting DACA to legalize millions of foreigners who take jobs. Poor immigrants pay some taxes, but at a much lower rate than citizens and collect benefits at a much higher rate. Moreover, the USA does not need millions more people clogging our overcrowded cities! Mass immigration hurts the poorest Americans most, and remains the primary reason that wages remain flat and joblessness (accurately measured by the BLS Labor Participation Rate) remains high. Nearly all the corporate media supports open borders and DACA, with the notable exception of pro-worker and pro-American Tucker Carlson who exposed this plot. Unfortunately, millions of American citizens have been fooled by this anti-worker propaganda. Most don't realize there are 300 million people in the USA and 7 billion people on Earth. Half will come to the USA or any modern nation if allowed, and millions are doing so right now, lured by DACA! Is rent too expensive? Are roads clogged? Are schools overcrowded? What would happen if millions of illegal visitors were sent home? This is not impossible, Ike did this in the 1950s. Start by deporting illegals jailed for whatever reason since most are set free in the USA. The majority of Americans support this idea and explains why Trump won, yet corporate media says only racists oppose open borders, and even twisted the positive word “nationalist” to mean evil workers crazy enough to resist globalization. Meanwhile corporate billionaires boast how they prefer to hire foreigners to work in the USA rather than citizens to show their support for open borders. If these millions of Mexicans are such a great economic benefit, Mexico should welcome mass deportations. And they can grant automatic citizenship to the thousands of Africans now crossing Mexico to the USA, instead of busing them to the American border for free. Mexico would boom with more GDP “activity”! America's GDP may stagnate, yet wages will rise, unemployment and federal spending will fall, and cities will be safer and less crowded. DACA is a great corporate marketing scheme to fool Americans, but fundamentally, it's a load of caca! Sep 5, 2017 - Technicals An article in my book: Scout Company describes the advantages of using simple, light pickup trucks for reconnaissance and fast combat. The Russians now agree, as explained in this article that begins: "Way back in October the Russian paper Izvestiya reported that the Russian military was setting up units built around technicals — light, pick-up trucks, with heavy weapons mounted in the back. Supposedly the experience gained in participating in the war in Syria against ISIS had shown the army such a unit could be extremely useful." Sep 3, 2017 - Modern Sea Control The US military has finally embraced common sense and mounted long-range anti-ship cruise missiles on long-range bombers and on carrier attack aircraft, which can also operate from land bases with tanker support. I explain how these can dominate the world's oceans in my book on future warfare. This is a far, far superior method than using a $20 billion dollar Carrier Strike Group that requires 7000 sailors and billions of dollars in annual training and maintenance funding, whose ships can be sunk. Sep 1, 2017 - Was the Civil War About Slavery? First Inaugural Address of President Abraham Lincoln:MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1861Fellow-Citizens of the United States:"...I declare that-- I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them; and more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read: Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes." Aug 31, 2017 - Justice! A follow up to my Aug 20th blog post -- Parker was found not guilty of most serious charges! The jury was hung on a few others. Where is the CNN coverage! The jury system worked as jurors saw the kangaroo court games. He was held 17 months in prison before trial and is now free pending another prosecution. This was Parker's second trial. The first was a hung jury that voted 10-2 for acquittal. Despite that failure, he was prosecuted again! Despite this second failure, he will face a third trial! Prosecutors might even find new crimes to charge him with. Note that another man was found guilty from this standoff. It was a non-violent offense and no one was harmed, yet Gregory Burleson received a 68-year prison term for his first offense. Denying bail is another game played by our kangaroo courts. Keep defendants in jail for years with endless judicial motions while threatening more charges or the arrest of family members with conspiracy charges until they plead guilty for time served. Recall that OKC bombing suspect Tim McVeigh pled guilty only after the Feds threatened to arrest his sister for "conspiracy." This only requires claiming that she knew something but didn't snitch to the FBI, and they could have kept her locked up in prison for years pending trial. Aug 27, 2017 - Bring Back the LSTs! I added an important chapter to my book on future warfare: Dysfunctional Amphibious Ships. It includes this summary: "The US Navy has a force of 33 huge, expensive, vulnerable, and inefficient "amphibious" ships that cannot safely operate within a hundred miles of an enemy coast. Most of their design is wasted with well decks filled with landing craft and hangar decks filled with helicopters to act as "connectors" to shuttle men and material ashore. (An LCAC inside an LHA is pictured.) These expensive, vulnerable, and unarmed connectors add no combat power and cannot safely operate within a twenty miles of an enemy coast because they are easily destroyed by precision guided guns and munitions. These problems exist because the US Navy's amphibious fleet is no longer amphibious, but devolved into huge, comfortable cruise ships designed to operate in safe seas for extended Third World police missions." Aug 26, 2017 - Justice for Arpaio You may have read recent news stories about President Trump's pardon of Sherriff Arpaio, and the corporate press reacted harshly, with most "news" articles really opinion pieces. Not one of these stories noted that Arpaio was not charged with a crime or afforded a jury trial. (see my Aug 20 blog post) No one expressed concern about the power of federal judges to toss citizens into jail at will. Trump could score lots of points with the public and serve justice by forming a team to recommend pardons or commutations for thousands of Americans tossed in prison for petty violations or serving long sentences for small crimes that should have resulted in probation or 30 days in jail. This also saves taxpayers money! Aug 21, 2017 - Foolish Protestors The billionaires of America control our media so control the masses. So called "leftists" should be conducting antiwar marches, or marches for higher wages and single payer healthcare. However, the billionaires manipulate them to march against non-issues to keep workers fighting amongst each other. It was good to see Charles Barkley speak out and say black people never noticed Confederate statues and don't care about them. This game begins when billionaires have someone propose removing Confederate statues, then encourage groups of whites to protest, pay for a permit, and publicize the event. They have their paid agitators show up to hand out Confederate and Nazi flags, give the Hitler salute, and start fights. They also organize leftist groups to have counter-demonstrations and send their black clad agitators to incite violence. Finally, they direct their media to provide massive coverage so that workers are distracted while billionaires continue to loot the world. Readers may be confused why "single payer" is an important issue. Our bizarre healthcare systems cost twice as much as other modern nations and produces below average results. The great Jimmy Dore clarifies in this video clip. Aug 20, 2017 - American Kangaroo Courts Two recent examples highlight America's kangaroo court system. Most citizens think that if charged with a crime, they can present any evidence to the jury to defend themselves. This is not true, the judge will review all the evidence you wish to present to the jury first, then decide what they can see! Here is an example where the Feds want to throw a citizen into jail the rest of his life for pointing a loaded rifle toward federal officials during a standoff in a remote part of Nevada. The federal judge ordered the defendant not to mention certain things in front of the jury, and cut off his testimony when his arguments seemed reasonable because it upset the prosecutor. Here are excerpts from an article in a local newspaper. "Prosecutors first objected to Parker’s testimony about 20 minutes after he took the stand and uttered the words “First Amendment.” Before the start of the second trial for Parker, a married father of two, and three other men, U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro barred the defense from referencing constitutional rights to freely assemble and to bear arms. She also prohibited mention of alleged misconduct or excessive force by law enforcement. After a lengthy sidebar, Parker’s testimony continued before prosecutors objected to his use of the word “sniper.” The judge disallowed the comment and sent the jury to lunch... Acting U.S. Attorney Steve Myhre immediately objected and requested a meeting with the judge and defense attorneys. Moments later, Navarro returned to the bench and told Parker to step down. The judge ordered Parker’s testimony stricken.. Marchese [his attorney] said outside of court that Navarro ruled Parker had violated a court order by describing what he saw. “We were trying to abide by the court’s order,” Marchese told a Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter. “The government objected, the court granted it, and I respect her ruling.” Parker was the first defense witness who testified before jurors. A day earlier, four people who attended the standoff gave “proffer” statements via Skype, but Navarro ruled that jurors would not be allowed to hear their testimony. Scott Drexel, a friend of Parker’s and co-defendant, is expected to testify Monday, according to his attorney, Todd Leventhal. Lawyers for the other defendants, Steven Stewart and Ricky Lovelien, have indicated their clients are unlikely to speak to jurors, which means Drexel could be the final defense witness." Note that you can't choose any defense attorney to defend you. Federal courts have a short list of local approved defense attorneys, meaning they are passive and never cause trouble or say negative things to the press. Parker is probably guilty of a minor offense, and given his lack of criminal record a year of probation should suffice. He would likely have accepted that in a plea deal. But any sort of rebellion is not allowed in the USA, so this judge's kangaroo court might send him to prison for life. Of course there is no outrage about such "justice" in America's corporate media. The second example is Arizona's Joe Arpaio. He faces prison for failing to bow down before a federal judge. Arpaio was never charged with a crime. A judge simply ruled Arpaio continued to allow sheriffs to arrest illegal aliens for deportation after he was ordered to stop them. He was convicted with no jury trial and will soon be tossed in prison. Our corporate media will applaud this injustice because he is a racist who deserves prison. Read the US Constitution to decide if judges should have the power to toss citizens in prison with no trial, and read this old G2mil post to decide if Arpaio is a racist. Jul 22, 2012 - A Racist Southwestern Sheriff? We all know that Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is an ignorant racist because countless corporate news stories told us this truth. You may be surprised to learn that Arpaio is not a local redneck. He grew up in Springfield, Massachusetts, raised by his Italian immigrant parents. He served four years in the U.S. Army, and then as a police officer in Washington DC and later Las Vegas.
Our corporate TV teachers tell us that just because someone has no ID, no address, and doesn't speak much English, this doesn't mean their immigrant status should be checked by local police. For example, a drunk driver smashed his car into a truck in Phoenix just four days ago, killing its driver, but it was "racist" for the local police to check and learn he was here illegally. Arpaio openly disagrees with our corporate masters, so we are told this Italian-American hates Latinos. Why are descendants of those who spoke Latin (Italians) not Latinos? If Arpaio hates immigrants, he must hate his parents, and must hate foreigners too, even though he lived in several foreign countries. In reality, Arpaio threatens to disrupt our modern form of slavery. Illegal immigrants are willing to work hard for little pay doing work American slaves once did. Since their children become Americans who expect a living wage and decent work conditions, an annual influx of a million new desperate illegals is desired by corporate America to maximize profits. Anyone who objects is called a racist, and may be subject to a federal investigation for "civil rights" violations, just like Sheriff Arpaio. Note: The term illegals refers to people working in the USA illegally, which comes from the Mexican term for illegal immigrants "illegales." They are not animals, so don't call them "undocumented." If I work illegally in Japan, should I be offended if a Japanese citizen refers to me as an illegal? Anyone who supports illegal immigration is racist, because they think unemployed Americans are too damn lazy to work, so we must tolerate an endless invasion of superior foreign laborers. Aug 19, 2017 - China's Real Threat The greatest military threat to U.S. vital interests in Asia has received little attention: "the growing capability of China’s missile forces to threaten U.S. bases in the region,” write Thomas Shugart and Javier Gonzalez in a report released last month by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Aug 13, 2017 - Bad CGI on 9-11
You will agree if you watch this video about how computer graphics were used. I was turned off by the goofy presenter, but he is brilliant and a recognized expert in this field. The best evidence is toward the end when he shows his own GCI video of a B-767 slicing (not crashing, which is too difficult to render) into the WTC. Also watch this excellent video about a former NIST employee expressing shock and dismay about the government's official NIST report on what caused three WTC towers to suddenly collapse. This is one reason why google and youtube began manipulating search results to hide videos that upset people with the truth. Aug 12, 2017 - The Unexplained V-22 Splashdown My last post needs an update. It was reported that the V-22 splashed down shortly after it departed from its home ship. It is now reported that it smashed into the flight deck of the USS Green Bay before hitting the water. Why load a V-22 with Marines on a big LHD and fly them two minutes to a nearby LPD? Perhaps something happened soon after takeoff and the V-22 was going down, but the Green Bay was dead ahead so the V-22 attempted a tricky emergency landing. Or perhaps it was just pilot error caused by an overloaded V-22. Once again, Generals must admit the truth and limit the V-22 to 18 passengers! Aug 7, 2017 - Another V-22 Osprey Splashdown
Due to add-ons and because of weather factors and degraded engine performance, 6,000 lbs is considered the max safe vertical lift load, and pilots often use "interim power" at vertical take-off just in case. This is really emergency power where the pilot overstresses the engines to get a little more lift power. The V-22 advertises that it can fly 24 seated combat equipped troops and this was proven during OPEVAL, but with 24 Marines "combat equipped" with just rifles, no packs. In this recent mishap, they managed to cram 22 Marines (with four aircrew) into a V-22. Allowing 250 lbs for each passenger with his weapon and gear, that is 5500 lbs. This was too heavy, so when the V-22 left the deck and lost its "HIGE" air cushion, it began a slow descent and hit the water; 23 Marines were rescued and three drowned as Marines struggled to exit the crowded fuselage. In the past, pilots managed to recover once they got HIGE from the sea. There were several incidents where a V-22 splashed into the water before getting airborne. This is possible because a V-22 at full power is burning lots of fuel and becoming lighter every second. The V-22 is ending production soon and salesmen have given up trying to sign up foreign buyers. Only a dozen were sold to Japan. Everyone else chose the CH-47F that costs half as much to purchase and operate, is much smaller than the V-22 in empty weight, yet can carry twice the payload just as far, albeit 40% slower. In addition, all modern helicopters with long, flat blades have ample lift power for the max number of bodies that can be stuffed into its fuselage. It is past time for Marine Corps Generals to admit the truth about V-22 payload limits and take safety seriously. The V-22 must be limited to 18 passengers! Aug 6, 2017 - Did Hillary Scapegoat Russia? President Trump is a target of the Deep State because they fear he might expose massive corruption in DC. The most important article of the year appeared at the small website "Counterpunch" and explains how the FBI and big media have endangered US national security by ignoring real news. An FBI investigation that has obvious national security implications– alleged cyber-espionage by a Russia, alleged collusion by high-ranking officials in the current administration, alleged treason or collusion by the President. Yet the FBI has not secured or examined the servers that may provide compelling forensic evidence of cyber-intrusion by Russia. Why would the FBI accept the analysis of a flunky organization founded by a Russian immigrant that no one heard of before (Crowdstrike) rather than use all the tools at their disposal to thoroughly investigate if the hacking actually took place? Isn’t that their job? The reason the FBI never insisted on examining the DNC servers is because they know the story is BS. Otherwise, they would have kicked down the doors at the DNC, seized the computers, and arrested anyone who tried to stop them. Meanwhile, a Pakistani family was hired as computer techs with no background checks and has been collecting sensitive national security information directly from the US Congress (the Awan brothers had access to the emails of the entire House of Representatives), while receiving huge salaries from the Democrats. This great breach in national cyber security does not interest any major news outlet even when one of the Awan's was arrested trying to flee the USA. Aug 4, 2017 - The End is Near! Watch this interesting recent speech by a disgruntled career CIA officer. The NY Times says he is legit. Aug 2, 2017 - Correcting Lies at PBS In recent years, taxpayer supported PBS television has become the Propaganda Broadcast System along with the rest of our corporate media. Have you been misled? Read this brilliant review of PBS lies to find out. Jul 30, 2017 - DNC Leaks! Not Hacks! An extremely important article appeared this week written by a group of retired intelligence officers. It begins: Executive Summary Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia. After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016, intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device, and that “telltale signs” implicating Russia were then inserted. Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying and doctoring were performed on the East Coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies. The Trump team needs to refer to this article daily, and remind everyone that the dubious forensic computer company “Crowdstrike” the DNC hired to examine its files is owned by a Russian immigrant. (The FBI has not been asked or directed to examine DNC computers for evidence of hacking.) Since the fake news media is likely to ignore this issue anyway, the White House Press Secretary should invite a couple of these retired intelligence officers to present a surprise briefing at his daily news conference. This would be difficult for the corporate press to ignore. And if they do, the next week, another two retired intelligence officers could appear to give another briefing. And if still ignored, the next week two more, then the next week.... Read the entire thing here, and note the list of authors: FOR THE STEERING GROUP, VETERAN INTELLIGENCE PROFESSIONALS FOR SANITY William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center Skip Folden, independent analyst, retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology US (Associate VIPS) Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS) Michael S. Kearns, Air Force Intelligence Officer (Ret.), Master SERE Resistance to Interrogation Instructor John Kiriakou, Former CIA Counterterrorism Officer and former Senior Investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.) Lisa Ling, TSgt USAF (ret.) (associate VIPS) Edward Loomis, Jr., former NSA Technical Director for the Office of Signals Processing David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.) Ray McGovern, former U.S. Army Infantry/Intelligence officer and CIA analyst Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East, CIA Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.) Cian Westmoreland, former USAF Radio Frequency Transmission Systems Technician and Unmanned Aircraft Systems whistleblower (Associate VIPS) Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, SIGINT Automation Research Center, NSA Sarah G. Wilton, Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); Commander, US Naval Reserve (ret.) Ann Wright, U.S. Army Reserve Colonel (ret) and former U.S. Diplomat Jul 29, 2017 - Big Government Republicans We finally have Republicans controlling the White House and both houses of Congress. Does this result in fiscal conservatism? No! White House budget office says the budget deficit will be larger than expected this year by $99 billion. Nearly all that is due to a big boost in Pentagon spending to the highest level since 1945. None of this is to restore cuts these past few years, there were none! This needless spending was bipartisan as the majority of Democrats in the House supported this big increase, and more mindless sanctions against Russia and Iran. I found the following chart of interest. It shows what Americans care about, compared to what the our corporate media wants us to care about: Jul 23, 2017 - Military Procurement Disasters Two of our nation's biggest military scandals/failures are emerging. The $13+ billion aircraft carrier USS Ford was just commissioned even though several serious problems remain, as this excellent article explains. It has yet to launch and recover jet aircraft because that is considered unsafe. This is why the Navy doesn't plan to deploy the Ford until 2020 or later! And the second carrier in this class is halfway complete and the third has begun construction! All have several, unproven technologies that have failed thus far after years of research, development, and testing ashore. Meanwhile, the F-35 is in full production even though testing remains unfinished. It is a computer controlled aircraft and aerial refueling tests have shown that unsafe. Control is sluggish, just like the V-22, because pilot input tells the computer what needs to be done, and it takes a second for the computer to calculate what is needed to respond. This is not a problem for most operations, but is huge problem when prompt flight adjustments are required. A second problem is the $400,000 helmet system does not work well at night. Someone leaked a long F-35 safety briefing video from last year that explained these problems. I hate it when fools dismiss criticism by claiming all new technology has problems that can be solved with more time and money, that's progress! This is false, many ideas prove impractical or impossible after billions of dollars are wasted. If one bothers to read about cancelled military procurement programs, there are many examples when billions of dollars were spent long after it was obvious that a concept could not work, like the airborne laser. Others enter service to provide less capability that than older systems that cost half as much. Jul 17, 2017 - The Tank is Dead In my book I declare the tank is dead, but provide a limited explanation. Here are more details in an article that I just posted after years of research and thought: The Tank is Dead. In summary, tanks are armed to destroy other tanks and have little defense against modern threats like: attack aircraft and helicopters, ATGMs, UAVs, and infantry with shoulder-fired rockets. Jul 14, 2017 - Did Our CIA Organize a Violent Attack in the Philippines, Again? My May 30, 2016 blog post "CIA Terrorism in the Philippines" showed why Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is not pro-American. The story involves hard proof that agents of the US Government killed dozens of innocent civilians in the Philippines with random bombings to generate support for a greater American military presence in that nation. Since then, Duterte has improved relations with China and ordered American troops out of the Philippines. That country is a long time American ally/puppet located in the center of the Western Pacific and a favorite CIA playground. Experts thought Duterte may have a fatal accident or a coup may occur. However, relations improved as the Philippine military faced an unexpected threat. The Philippine Army often clashes with small rural groups of insurgents/militias/tribal forces/gangs/private armies, who also fight each other. Neither side seeks bloody battles so these groups flee when confronted by soldiers or an agreement is reached. However, several weeks ago a large heavily armed group with many newly arrived foreign Islamists seized the small city of Marawi. Philippine reaction forces soon arrived to chase them off, but they stood and fought. These terrorists made no demands and had no objective other than to kill soldiers. The Philippine Army is good but not equipped for heavy fighting as it has no tanks. It took several weeks to deploy a large force and it was forced to employ artillery and air strikes that caused much damage. American special forces advisors showed up to help while American Navy reconnaissance aircraft circled overhead. This fighting is nearly over as just a few surviving terrorists remain in Marawi. One must ask, who funded this major anti-government operation? Where did all this weaponry come from? What was the objective? As ISIS struggles in the Middle East, why devote resources to a pointless attack in the distant Philippines. Only 6% of the Philippine population is Muslim, so there is no chance that an Islamic revolution will ignite. The only rational answer is that ISIS is funded by Saudi Arabia, who are allied with our CIA. The CIA wanted to embarrass Duterte and demonstrate the need to keep American troops in the Philippines, so asked their Arab friends to send arms, Islamist fighters, and money to bribe local Islamic gangs to seize Marawi and put up a fight. This looks like a successful CIA covert op! Don't act surprised. These guys recently destroyed Libya and Syria as part of their goal of a global empire. Jul 9, 2017 - Fake News about Wages Corporate America hates higher wages, which is why our national minimum wage has fallen far behind inflation the past 40 years. They order their media to convince working Americans that higher wages are actually a bad thing for them, and people working for minimum wage do not deserve a raise, because they are lazy scum. They recently got Maine and Missouri to lower their minimum wage, supposedly to help workers. Since the USA has been nearly de-unionized over the past 50 years, the minimum wage is the only barrier to ever lower wages until we hit rock bottom like most Latin American nations. Corporate America has been furious ever since Seattle boosted it minimum wage to $15 a hour last year. Their predictions of an economic disaster proved false. Their favorite fake news outlet is Forbes magazine, whose lies are repeated on corporate internet sites. They promote the crazy idea that our nation has millions of minimum wage workers who don't really work most of their shift, but are allowed extra work hours because of the kindness of corporations. So if minimum wage is raised, businesses will be forced to lay off some workers and cut hours to survive. They warn of fewer jobs, but never mention that if some jobs are lost, this can be easily offset by stopping the one million foreign work visas issued every year. Higher wages should force prices higher for certain things, but that is a much better "tax" than the current method of government subsidies for low wage workers through complex and inefficient welfare system like food stamps (SNAP), earned income credits, and a dozen other programs. In the latest fake news offensive, "researchers" at the University of Washington (probably funded with corporate grant money) cherry picked data to prove that Seattle's minimum wage hike was harmful. This was cited in dozens of news articles around the nation as proof that higher wages are bad for workers. Therefore, I was surprised and thrilled that the Seattle Times published a great article by Rebecca Smith who exposed this fake news: UW Minimum-wage study doesn't reflect the reality of work in Seattle. Jul 8, 2017 - China or Russia Pushes Back The recent North Korean missile launch surprised everyone. It was a bigger missile never seen before, and it worked! It was also a mobile missile that could have been driven over its border from China or Russia a few hours before. Its seems likely that one of those nations tired of America's bully threats and sent a message. North Korea has not attacked anyone, and the international community thinks it has the right to build and test missiles just like all other nations. For those concerned about UN resolutions, they should note that the UN Charter prohibits nations from threatening to attack others. The USA does not just threaten weekly, it attacks! The Pentagon recently added Libya and Somali to its weekly bombing list. Jul 5, 2017 - War Machine I watched the new Netflix movie "War Machine" a couple weeks ago. It was good (not great) but depressing. It follows a US Army General as he takes charge in Afghanistan. Like the dozen before him, he decides that Afghans need greater security, so demands more troops for a big offensive. This has been tried many times before and always failed, and did so in the movie. Anyone with a basic knowledge of counterinsurgency knows that insurgents know whenever a large force assembles, especially since Americans insist on using lots of helicopters. They scatter and hide as American forces parade through the countryside finding nothing but a few snipers and angry civilians. Apparently, Secretary of Defense Mattis did not see the movie, or cannot understand it, because a few days after its release he announced that more American troops were needed in Afghanistan to increase security. The great "Saker" recently explained: "...if we look at the people around Trump it is pretty clear that the only intelligent and rational person in the White House is Rex Tillerson. The rest of them are lunatics, maniacs and imbeciles – the current US what shall I call it—“actions” (can’t call it a “policy”) towards Syria clearly prove that the Executive Branch is completely out of control. We now can clearly see that Mattis and McMaster are not these military geniuses presented to us by the Ziomedia but that, in fact, they are both phenomenally incompetent and that their views of the conflicts in Syria and even Afghanistan can only be characterized as totally lacking anything remotely resembling any kind of vision. Yet these two “geniuses” seem to be in charge." Jul 4, 2017 - Trigger Happy FBI Agent Caused Death Corporate America hates armed, rebellious people. A recent example is the murder of Robert Finicum in late 2016. This Arizona rancher was wanted for minor destruction of government property during a protest in Oregon. Finicum was surprised by the Feds on his way to meet with a county sheriff and chased, then plowed his truck into a snow bank to avoid a roadblock. He got out taunting the surrounding FBI agents and Oregon deputy sheriffs to shoot him. His hands were raised high until a trigger happy FBI agent fired two shots at him. They both missed hitting his truck and breaking a window. This caused Finicum to stumble and drop his hands, so sheriffs opened fire killing him. The FBI agent lied and told Oregon investigators that he never fired a shot, and his fellow FBI agents vouched for him. But there was video and two unexplained bullet holes in the truck. It was obvious what happened, so the Justice Department was recently forced to take action, charging the FBI agent with lying to investigators. He could have been charged with manslaughter since his reckless shooting probably caused Finicum's death. If you google "FBI agent charged" there are lots of news stories, but nearly all are fake news since they report Finicum was shot as he reached for his gun. Only the "Salt Lake Tribune" and a few other small newspapers reported the key facts that he was fired upon while his hands were raised and never brandished a weapon. The fake newsmen only reported that the FBI agent was charged with lying, and left readers confused since they didn't explain why. If Finicum wanted a gunfight, he would have been firing as he left his truck, not a few seconds later after stumbling around in the open in deep snow with is hands raised. Moreover, the fake newsmen never reported that the FBI agent shot at him as he exited his truck with his arms raised. The deputies who killed him heard the two shots and were unsure who fired. No one has explained why the FBI continued shooting away at the truck with innocents inside. These weren't dangerous terrorists, escaped convicts, or bank robbers, just folks wanted for minor damage to federal property. The others arrested during this roadblock incident were later found not guilty. This agent was a member of the FBI's "elite" Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) yet he missed his target, and lucky for him because he may have been charged with manslaughter. On the other hand, at Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992 a sniper from the HRT shot a lady in the head who was holding a baby while standing in a doorway. He was never charged, but the Feds paid $3.1 million in damages. Taxpayers will end up paying millions of dollars in compensation for killing Finicum, and the HRT will again escape blame for incompetence while murdering a citizen. Jul 2, 2017 - Real News About Fake News You may have read news reports about CNN reporters expressing outrage about continued comments from Trump administration officials that CNN is a fake news network. You may have also read a small story about three CNN newsmen being fired, but our corporate news networks refuse to report the interesting true story about these events. A hidden video camera secretly recorded a CNN news producer and his crew discussing politics, complaining that CNN executives insist on airing Trump-Russia collusion stories even though no one has found any evidence! Luckily, the great Jimmy Dore covered this story and provides the actual recordings. Maybe this is why an established reporter pushed back at the Trump-Russia BS propaganda. Maria Bartiromo is normally a beautiful, polite interviewer. Democratic propaganda leader John Podesta appeared on her show to spin the Russia story, only to find an aggressive Bartiromo counterattack with facts and prove him a liar. She even asked about the open secret our corporate media has ignored. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) complains loudly and often that its servers were hacked by Russia. Comey's FBI launched an investigation, but FBI computer experts never examined the DNC servers for evidence and leads. Why didn't the FBI do this? Why didn't the DNC insist they do this? Why didn't our corporate media ask this question every time the DNC publicly claimed that Russia hacked their computers? Why does everyone ignore the fact that Wikileaks stated it wasn't Russia who sent them the DNC e-mails? Jul 1, 2017 - Another 9-11 Error The standard tactic to dismiss anyone who questions the official 9-11 story is to demand answers: "Okay, you tell me what happened that day!" Of course lowly citizens have no idea since they are not briefed on ultra-secret operations. But anyone can perform simple Internet research when issues arise.For example, reliable sources agree that the maximum speed a B-767-200 commercial airliner can reach at 700 feet above sea level is 360 knots. It can fly faster at high altitudes where the air is one-third as dense. It can fly faster in a steep dive if crashing. But when flying level at 700 feet, 360 knots is the fastest it can fly with installed engine power because of drag limitations. The aircraft that hit the second tower on 9-11 flew in level at 510 knots, as noted in official reports based on radar tracking. This proves that a B-767 did not hit the second tower! There are many articles and youtube videos that detail this, including some by airline pilots, and experts such as this retired NASA expert: "Based on analysis of radar data, the National Transportation and Safety Board reported the groundspeed just before impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond the maximum operating velocity of 360 knots, and maximum dive velocity of 410 knots." I read comments at websites and watched youtube to see what CIA funded floggers say to debunk this fact. Some claim the B-767 can fly faster but is safety restricted to protect the airframe, known as "never to exceed speed." This is true, but that precaution is to warn of potential damage in cases where a steep high-speed dive may be performed. This is not a problem at level flight because B-767 engines cannot push the aircraft near that limit. Pilots sometimes fly their aircraft at full throttle so they know how fast it can fly. Commercial aircraft are designed with efficiency in mind. They do not have extra big engines to produce extra power that it will never use. If you google "767 maximum speed sea level" this odd unsigned webpage linked to a dead website appears first. It is full of lies, yet appears first in the world's most used search engine, provided by a CIA affiliated corporation--Google. The rambling explanation states that a B-767 can perform the high-speed maneuvers as radar showed on 9-11 and falsely claims that pilots agree, with no mention that it lacks of engine power to reach 510 knots, . Since this airspeed issue is impossible to explain (unless it was a B-767 modified with different engines) protectors of the 9-11 fable resort to personally attacking those who raise this issue, or diverting the discussion to other topics. Why would the plotters make this mistake? First, in any operation there are hundreds of elements to consider. They may have confirmed that a B-767 can fly that fast, overlooking the required altitude of 35,000 feet. So what hit the South Tower? One can only speculate, but there were witnesses at the scene who stated that it was a twin engine jet like the B-767, but had no windows and was painted grey. What happened to the real aircraft? What happened to the passengers? Who would do this? I don't know, as I mentioned at the beginning of this post. But I do know that a standard commercial B-767-200 cannot fly even close to 510 knots at 700 feet, so something else hit the WTC South Tower. ___________________________________________________________ Carlton Meyer 2017 Blog - Emperor of the Empire (first half) 2016 Blog - Defending the Empire 2015 Blog - Enemies of the Empire 2014 Blog - The Empire in Decline 2013 Blog - The Yellow Man's Burden 2012 Blog - The Empire in Turmoil 2011 Blog - The Empire Retreats 2010 Blog - The Empire Crumbles 2009 Blog - The Bankrupt Empire 2008 Blog - The End of the Empire 2000-2008 - Monthly Editorials ©2017 |